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The public has a right to access scientific information and scientists have a responsibility to engage the public in their research. Antipathy towards science and scientific concepts can originate in poor education, lack of education or targeted misinformation; conversely, active engagement can reduce or eliminate this antipathy. Projects that we have assisted in the past, such as Hardworkers for Evolution (a voluntary organization for Turkey) and Science Club for Girls are examples that showed me that providing accurate scientific information can change public’s view on controversial issues such as evolution and global warming.

Here for the “The Search for the Origin of Life: The Tree of Life” PBS NOVA documentary?

To access teaching materials: view PBS Learning media (Grades 6-12) or watch the full documentary.

Betul Kacar National Academy Science Exchange

Leading a Science Exchange discussion for

the National Academy of Sciences in Brooklyn, NY. 

Betul Kacar as a cartoon character for Lunar and Planetary Institute (can you find her?)


Teaching Evolution in Turkey.

To read more about this activity click here.


Chatting with visually impaired students for the Young Guru Academy.

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